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Prior Games Showcase

Looping gif showing 1 Type of Enemy from Pescabearian and some walking gameplay


Enemy Designer, AI and Systems Programmer

Winner of Greenlight Jam 2022.
Pescebearian is a 3D hack-and-slash action game where you play as a bear hunting for fish on the ocean floor to feed your family.
Players fight their way through three levels of the deep sea using the fish you kill as weapons. Take care to not kill more fish than you need, otherwise a dangerous force in the ocean might get angry...


Ruins Rider

Gameplay and Level Designer, Programmer

An exergame made in Unity to provide therapeutic exercise for upper extremities. Aimed at a target audience of patients with stroke. Motions focused on include:

  • Hand Open and Close

  • Supination and Pronation

  •  Extension and Flexion 
    Each motion controls the gondola cart in different ways as the cart automatically moves throughout each stage. Prototype version received First Place at New Jersey Institute of Technology's YWCC's Capstone Showcase.


Fire Emblem NES Remake

Technical Designer, Programmer, Voxel Artist

A full 3D Remake of Chapter 1: Marth Embarks from Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon and the Blade of Light.

This project was a personal design and programming challenge that required me to design and implement solutions for Fire Emblem's Inventory and Battle Systems in Unity, along with recreating the behavior of the original Enemy AI, Unit Selection, and Grid Details. I additionally added 3D voxel models for the art and some quality-of-life updates to turn the remake into something special.

A full video of the development process can be found below.



Gameplay Designer, Map System Programmer

Cawtographer is an exploration and puzzle game split into two distinct gameplay phases. The first phase of each level is exploration, where players navigate the maze in a first-person view to find the exit while observing monster and collectable positions.

Then players plot their journey on a top-down map of the maze navigated in order to guide Hermes to the exit safely. Monster, Exits, and Locked doors are not marked on the map, so players must use their memory and landmarks placed by chirping to draw a successful path.



Gameplay Designer and Programmer

 "A pertinent reminder to think outside the box when it comes to aesthetics, and not land on the obvious first choice" - Mark Brown on Loop

Winner of Game Makers Tool Kit 2021, the biggest Game Jam in's history. Loop has the player control a seamstress following a recipe to make clothes and toys by encircling ingredients in a big loop of thread. The numerous recipes have specific ingredient requirements and require the player to match the recipe with no extra ingredients. Loop is a relaxing and responsive game that takes moments to play and puts a smile on the players face.

Angel Feathers

Project Lead, Gameplay and Level Designer, Programmer

A 2D mobile project released on Google Play. One of my primary tasks included writing and distributing design documents and design specifications to artists and audio designers in order to create a cohesive final product. With a progression system based on score, players are encouraged to improve their skills in order to unlock new characters and stages to play.



Gameplay and Level Designer, Programmer

The award winning ,"Reverse-Metroidvania", m0ther was lauded as an "very ambitious project" with "good intuitions on level design given the ability progression", "deep gameplay", and "lots of implemented mechanics"
m0ther is a side-scrolling 2D Action Platformer that follows a Anti-virus software that has to cleanse a corrupt piece of malware named "m0ther". As the game progresses the m0ther program deletes aspects of the level and player character, creating challenges that slowly increase in difficulty as well as sound effects and scenery that become more corrupt as the player surpasses these challenges.

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